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Educational program

Experienced auricular therapists will benefit greatly from each module of this expert training.

Module 1

Anatomy and Physiology of Auricular therapy


Historical background.
MD, Paul Nogier (1908 - 1996)
Paul Nogier: The ear is an expression of the brain.
MD, Paul Nogier discovered early in the 50s and the development of Auriculotherapy through three decades of the 50s - 70s.
Auriculotherapy, the French school versus Chinese ear acupuncture. Two methods, two continents, similarities and contrasts.
Auriculotherapy as a regulation medicine in a modern healthcare system.
Auriculotherapy as self-employment or as an employee.
Opportunities for clinic operations in Denmark.
Interdisciplinary integration of Auricular Therapy.
Ear embryology, anatomy and physiology
Embryological development of the ear.
Representation of the embryological cotyledons on the outer ear.
The ear's complex nerve supply.
The macroscopic anatomy.
The microscopic anatomy.
Physiology of the ear.
The functional anatomy of the acoustic system.
The autonomic nervous system and the ear.
The man in the ear, homunculus, new presentation.
Homunculus' role in informing about general body consciousness through interaction with sounds from the outside world.
Identical homunculus on hands and feet with Homunculus on ear.
Homunculus on the ear, hands, feet´ total share in orientation and interpretation of spatially and orientation on body awareness.
Homunculus on the ear an opportunity for diagnosis, intervention and status after intervention.
Through the homunculus on the ear you look directly into the brain!
Through the homunculus of the ear, networks in the brain can be regulated.
Demonstration & practice
The man presented on the ear: The somatotopic organization on the ear.
Two types of points on the ear.
Physiology through two point types.
Registration of physiological versus pathological points on the ear.
Registration of pathological points with pen.
Registration of pathological points with Premio20.
Registration of pathological and divergent points on the ear.
Presentation of validated point seekers.
Localization of endodermic organs.
Location of mesodermic representations.
Localization of ectodermic regions and their functions.
Treatment options on the ear.
Use of needles, magnets and electrical stimulation on the ear.
Dissemination of preliminary treatment options and interventions to clients.
Clinical cases
Demonstration and practical training to fellow students and external clients.
Theoretical review of cases.

Individually defined plan for targeted clinic operation with Auricular Therapy.

Learning outcome
Students can orient themselves on the somatotopic organization of the ear on the basis of the embryological, anatomical and physiological organization.
Skills in Auriculo therapeutic concepts.
Competences in communicating Auriculotherapy as a method and Auriculo therapeutic concepts to clients and making them understandable.


Module 2

Eight Auricular Point Types &
the Vascular Autonomous Signal (VAS)


Auriculo-cardiac reflex (RAC).

Vascular Autonomy Signal (VAS).

Dynamic pulse diagnosis.

Chinese static pulse diagnosis.

The first to describe the VAS phenomenon.

Positive strong VAS. Positive weak VAS.

Homunculus depicted in four phases. Four somatotopic organizations on the ear.

The cerebral anatomy and physiology of the phases.

The embryological development of the phases and coherence with the cotyledons.

Homologous points.

Peri-Auricular points.

Geometric hierarchy of pathological points.


Demonstration & Practice

Detection of ear points through VAS.

Monitoring of point stimulation through VAS.

Status of points physiology and pathology in Auriculotherapy terms assessed through VAS.



6 steps to investigate pathological points.

6 steps to sort out minor points.

Pathology of hierarchy of points.

Points reflecting acute functional pathology assessed through VAS.

Points that reflect chronic functional pathology assessed through VAS.

Points reflecting chronic mechanical pathology assessed through VAS.

Points that reflect mechanical lesion assessed through VAS.

Points versus Zones.

Stimulation of points versus zones.


Clinical cases

Demonstration and practical training on fellow students and external clients.

Theoretical review of cases.


Learning outcome

Skills in applying 8 different point types.

Competences in diagnosing, intervening and monitoring intervention and status after intervention through VAS.



Module 3

The Nogier Frequencies
Frequency physiology as light, sound and colors.
Visible light and non-visible light.
The bend of light in the color scale.
White light as a unit is unknown to the body.
Isaac Newton (1642-1727): Light is small particles.
Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695): Light is waves.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955): Light is both waves and particles (photons, light quanta).
Ole Rømer (1644-1710): Light has a finite speed.
Nogier frequencies A, B, C, D, E, F, G.
Frequency ear zones and nerve innervation.
The arrival of frequency in evolution.
Frequency in embryology.
Frequency body zone.
Frequency physiology.
Frequency pathology.
The chamber tone.
Physiological frequencies in physiology!
Nogier frequencies and the piano score. Whole tones and halftones.
Nogier frequencies hierarchy.
Nogier frequencies on the body surface and on the ear.
"Parasite frequencies" - Pathological frequencies.
Mathematical deviations of Nogier Frequencies and the Piano Score.
The mathematical deviations of Nogier frequencies are directly proportional to specific pathologies.
Detection of physiological and pathological frequencies through Premio40.
Stimulation with Nogier frequencies through Premio40 as intervention.
Demonstration and practice
Reactive zones and passive zones.
Use and significance of Nogier frequencies in diagnosis.
Application and significance of Nogier frequencies in regulatory medicine.
Use and significance of Nogier frequencies in post-control treatment.
Paul Nogier's three-step method of defining the weakest link.
Step 1. Symptom point.
Step 2. Intermediate point.
Step 3. Causal point.
Etiological link between steps 1, 2, 3.
Harmonic frequencies.
Regulation and post-control of the causal point.
Auriculo therapeutic assessment of the weakest link, assessment of the degree of pathology.
Assessment of forecast through the weakest link.
Resonance between intrinsic frequencies (body frequency system) and extrinsic frequencies (frequencies in sound, light and colors).
Clinical cases
Demonstration and practical training on fellow students and external clients.
Theoretical review of cases.
Learning outcome
Skills in investigating, investigating and regulating the causal point and controlling the effect of the regulation with Nogier frequencies.
Competences in placing the relevance of the diagnostic findings, the treatment options of the diagnostic findings and studying a retrospective etiology based on the diagnostic findings on the ear.


Module 4

Laterality & N Vagus stimulation
Symmetry and laterality.
Bodily laterality. Assessment, significance.
Cerebral laterality. Assessment, significance.
Functional asymmetry.
Frequency D, HF, BF
Frequency L by MD Raphaël Nogier.
"Parasite frequencies".
Demonstration and practice
Laterality study.
Diverse approaches to regulating laterality.
Clinical examples of laterality regulation.
Laterality regulation through representation of the corpus callosum on the ear.
Laterality regulation through regulation of concordance on the ear.
Laterality regulation through stimulation of the liver. Liver-brain-axis.
Control of laterality regulation.
Homologous points integrated in the regulation of laterality.
Two frequent Therapy Obstacles for regulating laterality.
N. Vagus.
N. Vagus contact with the body surface on the outer ear.
Intervention opportunities through N Vagus contact with the outer ear.
Electrical stimulation and intervention with needles directly into the N Vagus on the ear.
Clinical studies with the effect of N Vagus stimulation on the ear.

Liver cleansing, upgrading elevated or low liver values.
Clinical cases
Demonstration and practical training on fellow students and external clients.
Theoretical review of cases.
Learning outcome
Skills in assessing laterality and regulating lateral disorders.
Skills in stimulating the N. Vagus with needles and electrical stimulation.



Module 5

Auricular Therapy approach

with colored light
The basis of physics for light.
Pure colors.
Secondary colors.
Mixed colors.
Skin photosensitivity.
The skin as a prism for light and colors.
Skin fragmentation of light into colors.
Application of colors on ear points as a diagnostic method monitored by the VAS and as regulatory medicine.
Clinical studies with the effect of stimulation with colored light on the ear.
Pioneer in color therapy prof. Pierre Magnin.
Pioneer in Chromo Auricular Therapy (CAT) in Trauma Regulation MD Daniel Asis.
Dynamic Ear-acupuncture supported trauma regulation (DESTaR) Vester & Bering.
Demonstration and practice
The photogram.
Pure colors.
Secondary colors.
Mixed colors.
Colored general properties in chromatic spectrum.
Individual properties of colors.
General chromo-sensitivity.
Individual chromo-sensitivity.
Reactive versus passive reaction in ear point, ear zone or in body tissue.
Study of the response of pathological points to colors with Premio40.
Auricular application with colors with Premio40.
Application of white light.
Reaction to white light monitored by VAS.
Repeated application with white light, fatigue test.
Immediate exhaustion versus no exhaustion interpreted by MD, expert Raphäel Nogier.
Black and white hammer.
White hammer reflection of white light.
Emission of photons from pathological points & black hammer. Fotoners "ping pong".
North-south hammer.
"North points" versus "South points".
Gold-silver hammer.
"Gold points" versus "Silver points"
Hollow filter. "Hole points".
How photons penetrate points.
How photons in most cases slip off points and the effect is lost.
Emission from points versus application to points.
Clinical cases
Demonstration and practical training on fellow students and external clients.
Theoretical review of cases.
Learning outcome
Skills in diagnosing, intervening and controlling with colors, black and white, gold-silver and north-south hammer as well as hole filter.
Competence in using colors as regulatory medicine in Auricular Therapy.

Module 6

Posturology & Auricular therapy
The positioning of the body in space and its regulatory process.
Posturology as interdisciplinary therapy.
The basic strategy of the human posture.
The domains of posturology: Pain, stability disorders, cognitive dysfunction.
Postural dysfunction: Jaw function
Postural maturation and development.
Sources of posturological input.
Exocentric reference area: Retina, Retina.
Ego-centered reference area: Exteroceptive and proprioceptive information.
Geocentric reference area: The vestibular system.
Posturological output, the Orthostatics positioning of a standing individual in space.
Test of Asymmetric Postural Orthostatics (APO).
Merchmann's test.
Visible posturological posture anomalies.
Posturological Dystonia.
Parallel slopes and non-parallel slopes in shoulder-pelvic lines.
Tonic convergence reflex test of consensus.
The inner ear, Vestibulum.
Labyrinths: Horizontal Arcane. Superior Buegang. Posteriore Buegang.
Vestibulo-ocular reflex.
Vestibulo-ocular reflex test, Fukuda test.
Interpretation of Fukuda's test.

Demonstration and practice
Disorders of posturological maturation.
Posturological signs.
Posturological dysfunctions.
Regulation of posturological Dystonia.

Individual source of neurological stabilization.
Stabilization sources with open and closed eyes.
Stabilization sources with eyes resp. with and against direction of movement.
Clinical cases
Demonstration and practical training on fellow students and external clients.
Theoretical review of cases.
Learning outcome
Skills in conducting posturological tests, decoding posturological posture anomaly as well
causes of the asymmetry and regulate these with Auricular Therapy.


Module 7

Posturological regulation through

Auricular Therapy
Domains of Posturology and Auriculotherapy
Cognitive disorders
Demonstration and practice
Posturological disorders from
Jaw function
Tongue function
The visual system
The vestibular system
Skin afferent information
The proprioceptive system
Foot information for the posturological system
Footwear, the corset of the foot
Intervention on standing clients
Intervention with confrontation / exposure of specific posturological dysfunction.
Clinical cases
Client demonstration and practical training on fellow students and external clients.
Theoretical review of cases.

Learning outcome
Can independently carry out posturological examination.
Competences in practicing Auricular Therapy - Ear acupuncture as a regulatory method for posturological posture anomalies.


Module 8

Auricular Therapeutic protocols
Clinical Studies in Auriculotherapy.
Protocol for central regulation of proprioceptive information by MD. M. Marignan.
Demonstration and practice of protocols
Hormone system
Skin diseases
Addiction to substances.
Mental disorders
Generalized anxiety
Sleep problems
Pain treatment
Modified protocol for central regulation of proprioceptive information by Prof. R. Bering.
Differentiation between musculoskeletal pain, nociceptive pain and dissociative pain.
Auriculo therapeutic regulation of musculoskeletal pain, nociceptive pain and dissociative pain.
The proprioceptive system. Neuroanatomy and physiology, pathways and networks in the brain.
Clinical cases
Client demonstration and practical training on fellow students and external clients.
Theoretical review of cases.
Learning outcome
Skills in applying Auriculo therapeutic protocols.
Skills in practicing central regulation of proprioceptive information through Auricular Therapy.


Module 9

Therapy Barriers

Introduction to therapy barriers.

Demonstration and practice

Scar tissue as a therapy barrier
a. Definition.
b. Scar tissue in organs, scar tissue in the skin.
c. Observed clinical general signs, cutaneous-, cardiological- and neurological signs.
d. Detection of scar tissue that appears as a therapy barrier and scar tissue that does not appear as a therapy barrier.
e. The skin / dermatomes located on the ear.
f. Scar tissue in organs located on the ear.
g. Intervention options with needles, Nogier frequencies and colored light.
h. Control of the intervention.

Dental foci
a. Definition
b. Dental pathologies.
c. Dental pathologies and the Nogier Frequencies.
d. Dental pathologies and the Nogier frequency A-35%.
e. The origin of dental pathologies detected with Nogier frequencies.
f. Detection of ear points corresponding to dental focus.
g. Intervention opportunities, cf. pathological findings.

Scalenus syndrome
a. First rib syndrome.
b. Compression of Ganglion Stellaire.
c. Asymmetry of radial pulse pulse.

d. Intervention opportunities.
e. Atlas syndrome.
f. Compression of Atlas.
g. Intervention opportunities.

Intolerances and hidden food allergies
a. Time intervals for allergic reactions.
b. Immediate reaction, symptoms. Anamnesis, physical examination, biological examination, examination through the skin's photo perception monitored by VAS. Intervention opportunities.
c. Semi-delayed reaction, symptoms. Anamnesis, physical examination, biological examination, examination through the skin's photo perception monitored by VAS. Intervention opportunities.
d. Delayed reaction, symptoms. Anamnesis, physical examination, biological examination, examination through the skin's photo perception monitored by VAS. Intervention opportunities.
e. Verified causes of intolerances and hidden food allergies.
f. Genetic predisposition.
g. Early introduction of proteins into a child's nutrition.
h. Medical treatments.
i. Leaky gut.
j. Food composition.
k. The Radial Artery Food Test (RAFT) R. Nogier.
l. Introduction and production of food test rings.
m. Location of the test ring.
n. Test.
o. Test the degree of allergy and intolerance monitored by VAS.
p. Detection of points for treatment of current allergy or intolerance.

Physical and mental trauma as a therapeutic obstacle.
Trauma and pain. 
Relationship between physical and psychological trauma.
Dissociation as a therapeutic obstacle.
Posturological dysfunction as a therapeutic obstacle.
Clinical cases
Learning outcome

Knowledge of therapy barriers.
Skills in being able to assess a possible therapy obstacle.
Competences in being able to direct an intervention against a therapy obstacle and assess the effect of the intervention.


Module 10

Supervised intervention plan
Treatment plan.
Auriculo therapeutic examination based on a specific symptom such as pain. Strategy.
Auriculo therapeutic examination based on a non-specific symptom such as fatigue. Strategy.
Ethics in client-therapist relationship. 

Each student is supervised individually in review by external client and receives positive feedback.

Clinical supervision.
Demonstration and internship of external clients. Many repetitions.
Each student is supervised repeatedly until the student independently masters the following:

1. To implement informed consent, cf. data oven (GPDR). Obtain the client's signature as permission to store sensitive personal information provided by the client in the record. To request the client's consent to perform Auricular Therapy as regulation. Possibly consent to pass on information from the record.

2. To define a treatment plan based on the client's reason for contact.

To make an individual Auriculo therapeutic diagnosis.

To navigate Auriculo therapeutic intervention options and through the diagnostic findings define an appropriate Auriculo therapeutic intervention and justify this to the client.

5. To conduct an individual Auriculo therapeutic intervention monitored by VAS.

To conduct an Auriculo therapeutic control of the effect of the intervention monitored by VAS.

7. To define the effect and possibly lack of effect of the intervention.

8. To compile an Auriculo therapeutic retrospective etiology, cf. the diagnostic findings.

9. To inform the client about a possible prognosis with Auricular Therapy.

Learning outcome
Skills in integrating the Auriculo therapeutic method on the basis of the principles of Auriculotherapy in own clinic.
Competences in running an independent clinic within Auricular therapy.
Competences in independently carrying out an Auriculotherapy professional diagnosis, intervention, control of intervention, explaining the strategy and giving the client an Auriculo therapeutic prognosis.
Competences in evaluating, reflecting on and demonstrating ethical skills.
Competences in recognizing the limitations of Auricular Therapy.
Competencies in advising clients within Auricular Therapy.

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