Battlefield Acupuncture

Review of Basic Battlefield Acupuncture
History of Auriculotherapy
Learn ABFA - how and when to utilize it
Pairing of Needles
Clustering of Needles
Proper use of needles and correct auricular insertion
Incorporating Nogier’s Phases
Clinical Pearls: Piezo Pen, PTSD protocol
Contraindications and Outcomes of ABFA
Apply ABFA and Auriculotherapy protocols into clinical
practice successfully
Review of Basic Battlefield Acupuncture
Types of Needles used and Why
Pairing of Needles
Clustering of Needles
When and why to switch from BFA to ABFA
Point Location and Function according to Nogier
Incorporating Nogier Phases into treatments
Using Other Devices to Improve Outcomes (Piezo pen)
Ear Care and Follow-up